Hands adorned with turquoise jewelry work on a loom

Native Studies Degree, AA

学习美国原住民和土著群体的历史和文化,成为见多识广的倡导者. 拥有火博体育的文学副学士(AA)学位,主修本土研究, you can pursue a career working with Native peoples. We also offer a strong Native community to support your studies. 

我们的母语研究AA提供到许多四年制大学的转学途径,这样你就可以获得学士学位. 获得知识和技能,并对土著社区的生活产生积极影响.

Why Learn About Native American and Indigenous Studies?

深入了解美国原住民和原住民群体的生活. For centuries, 土著人一直受到强迫同化和歧视, leading to great economic and social disparities. But with a Native Studies AA degree, 你会从他们的角度发现土著的历史和文化.

通过学习他们的文学、艺术和口头传统,学会欣赏他们的世界观. 发现当前影响土著社区的问题,如医疗保健和主权. 通过土著研究AA计划成为土著人民的盟友.

If you are already a member of a tribe or nation, 学习美国原住民和土著研究可以帮助你加深与文化的联系. 本土研究AA学位也为你提供知识和技能,使你成为社区的领导者和倡导者.

Why Earn a Native Studies Degree at San Juan College?

Emphasis on Diné Culture

SJC的本土研究项目认识到din(纳瓦霍族)丰富的历史和文化。. 它的祖籍地包括我们校园周围的地区. 这就是为什么我们的项目课程强调饮食文化和认知方式. 通过在SJC学习加深你对饮食传统、语言和习俗的理解.

A Supportive Learning Community

SJC strives to create a nurturing environment for all students. 向我们的专业教师学习,他们促进学术和个人成长. 您还将有机会参与高影响力的实践,例如:

  • Honors classes
  • Presenting at the Student Showcase and Research Conference
  • Service-learning opportunities

And don't forget to visit our Native American Center (NAC),一个学生资源中心,获取学校资源并参加文化之旅. See how our community fosters your success.

Ready to Transfer

准备转到四年制大学学习我们的本土研究学位课程. 你可以在SJC的四个学期完成你的副学士学位. 转学之后,再过两年你就可以完成学士学位了.

With a bachelor's degree, you will set yourself up for greater career success, 因为许多雇主要求应聘者拥有学士学位. 在SJC开始你的转学之旅,加速你的职业成长.

Affordable Pathway to a Bachelor's Degree

Because of SJC's low tuition rates美国本土研究AA两年制学位对你来说是一项极好的投资. 获得所需的支持,为严格的课程做准备,并在你的学术之旅中前进. 你也可能有资格通过免学费获得学位 NM Opportunity and Lottery Scholarships

What You Will Learn in Your Native Studies Courses

土著研究项目侧重于了解土著人民和他们的经历. 在你的课程中,从过去和现在的土著居民的角度学习. 通过不同的学术领域研究土著文化和历史, including anthropology, art, and sociology.


  • Cultural conflicts and preservation
  • Economic development
  • Environmental issues
  • Historic relations with non-Native societies
  • Language revitalization
  • Public policy
  • Tribal governments


  • Introduction to Native American Studies
  • Sociopolitical Concepts in Native America
  • Navajo Culture
  • Indigenous Peoples of North America


  • Contemporary Social Issues in Native American Societies
  • Introduction to Native American Literature
  • Navajo Language I & II
  • Navajo Rug Weaving
  • Navajo Philosophy

In addition, 你将获得重要的多功能技能,帮助你在你的课程和职业生涯. They include:

  • Critical thinking
  • Cultural humility
  • Information and digital literacy
  • Interpersonal and collaborative skills
  • Oral and written communication

Native Studies AA Curriculum

Transfer Options

准备在火博体育的四年制大学获得学士学位吧. 有了本土研究AA,你可能可以进入初级地位. If you wish to transfer, we strongly encourage you to meet with your academic advisor. 他们帮助你协调在火博体育的课程与转学机构的要求.


  • Fort Lewis College
  • The University of New Mexico

Learn More About the Transfer Process


Who is Ms. Indigenous San Juan College?

San Juan College annually hosts the Ms. Indigenous SJC contest to celebrate Native culture. During her reign, Ms. 土着的SJC代表SJC,与社区分享她的遗产. Meet our past and current Ms. Indigenous SJC winners.

Careers and Outcomes for Native Studies Graduates

作为火博体育原住民研究AA项目的毕业生, 你会在理解土著文化和问题上有一个坚实的基础. 大多数母语研究专业的毕业生选择在四年制大学继续他们的教育,以获得学士学位.


  • Business: Work in businesses that involve Indigenous communities, such as the gaming, tourism, and hospitality industries.
  • Education: 在部落、农村或城市印第安社区的学校或类似的教育中心服务.
  • Government and law: 在政府部门找一个与印第安人事务或部落法相关的职位.
  • Public health or community outreach: 与土著社区领导人合作,促进健康,提高对当地问题的认识.
  • Social work: Assist members of Indigenous communities in accessing resources.


Graduate Spotlight

“获得母语研究学位是我最大的目标之一. 这个项目让我深入学习了纳瓦霍语的语法和句子结构,以及当地和全球土著部落的历史."

Christopher Francis | SJC Alum
Native Studies

Next Steps

报名参加文学副学士在本土研究学位课程, you must first apply to San Juan College. It's easy, and you can apply online at any time!

Apply Now

If you are already a student at San Juan College, talk to your advisor about our Native Studies AA program. You can also discuss your transfer options.

Find Your Advisor


Phone: (505) 566-3320

West Classroom Complex,
Room 1911

M-F 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.

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